Monday, September 30, 2019

Civil Rights – Naacp

The iris case was not a success because the supreme court agreed with the board, but the second case In 1953, came to the agreement that segregation was wrong on the grounds that separating black students from others that are the same age and Intelligence as them because of their race, â€Å"generates a feeling of Inferiority†¦ That may affect their hearts and minds In a way unlikely ever to be undone,† (Chief Justice Earl Warren). This was a major success for the NAACP although Implementing the new ruling proved to be more difficult because the federal government did not force he state governments to apply them to their cities.This ruling did change some districts but most did not comply. Many schools and school districts were closed because the cities would have rather close them than integrate. Also because of President Eisenhower lack of support, the ruling was never enforced therefore making the ruling pointless. Similar problems occurred with other rulings and acts such as the Civil Rights Act of 1957 which attempted to end voter discrimination, but ended up being a useless law because of the loopholes left by the federal overspent.The only few times where the NAACP changes of the law actually worked such as the case about the arrest of Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her bus seat, and that was only because of the non-violent movement that got the publics attention and more involvement in the issue. The other legal successes for the black community such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which made it so African Americans could vote without being taxed, given impossible tasks, or being intimidated by racists groups; this time not leaving loopholes.This act along with there beneficial acts such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 were mostly due to the many marches, movements, and riots that demanded change and the assassination of JEFF which happened right after he publicly announced that he was for the rights of African Americans by trying to put through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Because this was one of the last things that JEFF was remembered for, LB had to live up the citizen's expectations for him to do the same as JEFF so that he would not have died In vain.In addition, the groups AIM and CLC participated in the Civil Rights Movements. In the event of Birmingham In 1963 lead by CLC was a major focus for the call rights activists. This event resulted In church bombings as the group CLC and other protesters marched for their rights and this movement later turned Into massive violence from the white society. As a continuation of Birmingham, James Bevel gave Dry. King the Idea to use children for marches arrested, and Jailed and more chaos prevailed.In (Source E) It displays a photograph from the event of the Birmingham Marches during the time period of 1963. It shows he violence and a African American male was being attacked by the local police with police dogs. This eve nt was somewhat successful at the end because stores were desegregated and some other public places. In the event of the Meredith March in 1966, Its main purpose was to protest against racism and other civil rights activists, including Dry. King and his group AIM, CLC, along with SYNC continued this march to protest for their civil rights in 1966.The start of this march was from James Meredith attending the University of Mississippi and was rejected his acceptance from the allege because of his race which was African American and James Meredith filed a complaint to the Court systems and the court ruled that the University of Mississippi was managing a policy of segregation. In the duration of this Many race riots broke out in the result of this setting. There was not only violence against the African Americans but there was violence against the U.S Marshals who were helping the African Americans. Referring back to the James Meredith march â€Å"March against Fear† the African Americans faced violence as well as when they were registering to vote. In he March James Meredith was shot and the Civil Rights activists Dry. King and Carmichael decided to finish the march on Meredith behalf. Therefore, this event was somewhat successful because it allowed the U. S to pay attention to the African Americans although it was not particularly in the way that King and other civil rights activists wanted to.The civil rights organizations the CORE and SYNC both proved to be vitally important during the civil rights movement. They often times worked in conjunction in order to work toward racial equality. Their first major movement was he Sit Ins in 1960 where college students refused to leave diners until served. The next thing was the Freedom Rides in 1961 in which black students tried to ride across in order to test the laws banning racial segregation on international buses.This effort was a failure in that there was extreme violence against the riders. â€Å"The rac ist mob had attacked with iron bars, and even bombs. Passengers escaped right before the bus burst into flames and it wasn't until policemen shot into the air that the mob dispersed† (Source A). After the Freedom Rides SYNC turned its attention to the Albany movement (1962) in which students tried to desegregate the entire public sector of the city. It failed because the police never got violent, and after CLC Joined they didn't allow King to stay in Jail.Malcolm X an influential leader of black Muslims used these types of instances to Justify the idea that â€Å"There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution and that the revolution is based on concepts of property, independence, freedom, Justice and equality' (Source D). In 1994 SYNC attempted a new movement called Freedom Summer in which northern white students attempted o get blacks to register to vote. The southern states viewed it as â€Å"a planned invasion in which Northern students are causing problems under the pr etext of bringing Freedom† (Source B).The huge difference between the northern mentality of equality to all verses the southern mentality of white and better than blacks and stay out of our business led to a horrifically violent summer. The very next year SYNC went to Selma, Alabama in order to register voters, but the police had a violent response. During a speech at Howard Lyndon Johnson said â€Å"The words â€Å"Give me overcome discrimination I will sent to Congress a law designed to eliminate illegal barriers. (Source F).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Child Care Center †An analysis of how incentives work on the human mind Essay

Understanding the concept of incentives, positive and negative, and how they impact the behavior of people is a core aspect of economics. In fact, economists love to tinker with incentives and identify different measures that can motivate and de-motivate a person from doing an action or from abstaining from it. The power of incentive is such that economists believe that with the right incentive, any person can be compelled to do any task. Incentives can cause tremendous action, inaction or opposition, merely based on the quantity and quality of the incentive. Every incentive has three flavors to it: economic, social and moral. The case of the childcare centers of Israel will help one understand the impact of incentives, and how a wrongly conceptualized incentive can severely affect the very purpose of the incentive. A study of childcare centers in Israel provided statistics that the parents who came later to collect their children were on an average eight per center, per week. This was an alarming statistic for the centers and they had to spend extra money on holding back staff and paying them for overtime services. A few economists decided to try a negative incentive by imposing a nominal $3 fine on parents coming late by more than ten minutes, in twenty childcare centers in Israel†¦ The management and the economists believed that this would deter parents from coming late to collect their child. To their utter dismay, within a couple of weeks of the penalty, the number of parents who came late shot up to 20 per week, per center, displaying an astounding increase of 150%. One major factor that one can identify that led to such a drastic increase is the low penalty. The penalty for the whole month totaled to sixty dollars, which was about 16% of the total monthly service fee per child. From the parent’s perspective, for an addition al 16% of monthly fee, he could come at his own convenience and collect the child. Since, such a penalty was being levied by the childcare center; it became an additional responsibility for the center to provide the best amenities for the child until the parent turned up. It further alleviated the moral conflict within the parent, when he turned up late, as now he could come late and be relieved of the moral binding to come on time, with the penalty. A similar parallel can be drawn to students who were asked to pay a nominal fee for low attendance. Colleges perceived that by introducing a low penalty for every day of attendance below the stipulated percentage, students would be more regular. To their utter dismay, with the introduction of the penalty, the percentage of students who fell below the required the minimum attendance increased significantly, as they were aware that by paying a nominal penalty they could get away with a few more holidays in the year to enjoy. On the contrary, in the absence of the penalty the parents had at least a moral obligation to come on time and collect their children. In case a much severe punishment was imposed like a hundred dollars a day, the number of erring parents would significantly reduce. However, that would increase the animosity between the parents and the childcare center management, which could even lead parents to transferring their children to a far less punishing center. If the childcare centers of the entire region imposed a high penalty for late parents, there is a strong possibility that one of the parents might themselves open a childcare center and compete with the existing one. However, the economists and the management of the childcare centers missed an important perspective. What if instead of punishing the late parents, they provided an incentive for parents who consistently came on time? The incentive can be in two kinds, for the parents and for the children. A nominal monetary incentive for the parents might simply fail, as again they might want to sacrifice a few dollars a day to enjoy their game of tennis or strive more at work. Hence, if a cash incentive is to be provided, it has to be substantial and there must be an element of scarcity; i. e. the top ten consistent parents being awarded. This would create a competitive spirit in the minds of the parents. It has also to be kept in mind that such an incentive would affect the finances of the childcare centers, and would also be useless if the children coming to the center are from the elite class of society. The most effective measure to reduce late parents could be achieved by involving the children in the incentive process. By motivating the children to push their parents to come on time and win the best parent award, the childcare center might get its desired benefits, as children are highly competitive and would influence their parents to come on time to pick them up. The childcare center should focus on the children of parents who turn up regularly late to the center, yet create an impression of equality in the minds of the other children too. Hence, it can be understood from the above discussion that an incentive can have several consequences on its desired participants. An incentive scheme is very successful when the people participate willingly in the process, and reaches less than desired outcome when the participants are forced into the process. A fine example of a forced incentive process is one when a company introduces a new scheme, which has to be promoted by its sales executives, though everyone knows the promotion and the product are unsalable. An incentive to be successful has to be organic, achievable, realistic and participative. References Donald Edward Campbell (2006), Incentives: motivation and the economics of information, Cambridge University Press Jean-Jacques Laffont, David Martimort (2002), The theory of incentives: the principal-agent model, Princeton University Press Sullivan Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003), Economics: Principles in action. Pearson Prentice Hall. pp. 31.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance - Essay Example The government also gives a further indication for implementation of the recommendations. Hence, detailed explanation has been done in this paper to explain the rationale behind two of the recommendations of Vickers report. Retail Ring-Fencing One of the most controversial recommendations of the Vickers Commission is that the banks’ retail operations should be ring-fenced. Banks will be required to establish a separate legal entity within their corporate structure to provide retail and commercial banking services all over the country. The reason behind this to protect retail banking operations from risk-oriented financial activities and to ensure the continuous provision of retail banking services by ring-fenced banks, with reduced bail-out costs for taxpayers. The government agreed with Vickers Commission that banks should have relative freedom in respect of their investment. Banks will be permitted to continue copyrighted trading. The logic is that investment of UK banks sho uld operate without an implicit government guarantee and be allowed to fail in an orderly manner in case they enter into financial crisis. It is also predicted that the banks in UK will face challenges in implementing ring-fencing requirements, given their current corporate structures. ... The large exposure limits that are recommended in the report are designed to reduce the exposure a ring-fenced bank will have to other entities within its group. However, allowing secured exposure up to 45% of capital may prove unproductive in light of the write-downs of sovereign and asset-backed debts in the financial drawbacks (Kevin, 2007). Raise bank capital requirements The Vickers Commission has separately made various recommendations intended to raise the capital requirements of the banks in United Kingdom. It is also an attempt to increase the ability of banks to absorb losses or any other financial crisis. The ratio of equity to RWAs proposed by the Vickers Report for ring-fenced banks (of 10%) is higher than that proposed in Basel. The requirement for banks to have loss absorbing capacity of 17% is essentially more burdensome than under Basel III (Patrick, 2011). Therefore important banks will be required to hold capital at 11.5-13% of RWAs (Michael & Bernard, 2007). The g overnment of UK agreed that 17% is the appropriate number for large institutions, subject to further consultation. Moreover, accommodative tax regime will be required subjected to capital instruments subordinated debt for banks so that they could use these instruments to meet their enhanced capital ratios. HMRC is currently looking at ways to ensure these instruments work effectively and therefore reduce tax on interest payments. An important concession has been made by the government to UK-based multinational banks. The Vickers Report had proposed that such banks were required to have primary loss absorbing capital equal to 17% across all their operations. However, the government has stated that as long

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organisations and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organisations and Management - Essay Example The situation of Mainland Enterprises suggests that most people have little contact with people of other cultures/ethnicities in their everyday lives that is not role-related. Some employees avoid interacting with members of other cultures/ethnicities and/or view them as "undesirable" staff. This case vividly portrays that interpersonal communication employed by the CEO is ineffective and inefficient caused by different values and traditions of people, and poor interaction between all employees. For instance, the CEO and Western employees have different perception and understanding of the â€Å"family† concept of organizational culture but the CEO is unable to recognize these difficulties and problems experienced by the subordinates. The â€Å"western† are perceived as impolite and disruptive because of different communication n corms and traditions which have not been communicated and explained to Westerns people by the CEO (Wood, 2003). 2. The case study vividly portrays the important role of CEO and his vision in organizational culture. Communication should be seen as a process by which knowledge that resides in one or more people comes to be represented in one or more others. Certainly the transfer of knowledge is not the only thing that happens in communication, and for certain purposes it may not be the most useful way of thinking about the process. Below we refer briefly to some other dimensions of communication that may be important for cooperative work. Underlying the knowledge transfer view of communication is the assumption that any communicative act rests on a base of mutual knowledge (West and Turner 2006). The example of Mainland Enterprises reveals a set of mechanisms derives from the fact that individuals can often be assigned to social categories, and such category membership often predicts individual knowledge. Of course, category membership is not a perfect predictor of knowledge.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Psychology Victimization of Miss Lonelyhearts Essay

The Psychology Victimization of Miss Lonelyhearts - Essay Example This paper analyzes the psychological victimization of Miss Lonelyhearts. It argues that Miss Lonelyhearts is a victim of his society, relationships, and his own spiritual and emotional disintegration, and his psychology has become too nihilistic that he could no longer feel his humanity and find meaning in his existence. Society has victimized Miss Lonelyhearts through the capitalist labor system that treat people as means to corporate ends. Capitalism has numbed Miss Lonelyhearts and made him incapable of acknowledging and responding to human suffering (Scheurich and Mullen 572). He receives many letters that range from the mundane to the terribly appalling. One letter is from a vain girl with no nose, while the other confides that his mentally-ill sister has been raped, and he does know what to do. These letters, however, are not trivial for they represent a â€Å"great mass of suffering† that have interrelated social, economic, political, and cultural dimensions (Scheurich and Mullen 573). Particularly recurrent is the demand for material goods and physical attraction. Correspondents are concerned of their physical appearance to institutions or individuals that they regard as important. People are also complaining of getting more money and not feeling that they have enough wealth to satisfy their needs, as well as others, and so life has become a means of pursuing materialist existence. Capitalism is represented in this pursuit of superficial happiness that spans physical and material needs (Bromige 4). In addition, capitalism exists in the labor markets and its dynamics. Workers like Miss Lonelyhearts are trapped in jobs that are monotonous and exploitative, but they cannot easily find new ones for lack of better job opportunities. Furthermore, their managers treat them as means to corporate ends. Shrike uses Miss Lonelyhearts as an emotional punching bag. He also demeans correspondents, because their plight is not truly important to him. Shrike fin ds joy in using people and ensuring readership for his newspaper. Different social relationships also oppress Miss Lonelyhearts. Miss Lonelyhearts is a victim of a bully at the workplace. Because of his emotionally and spiritually exhausting job, he often feels unwell and looks for means to alleviate his inner turmoil. One time, after being sick and staying in his room for three days, Betty nudges him to leave his job. Miss Lonelyhearts admits that he took the job as a joke, but the joke no longer means anything to him. Pleas for advice force him to examine his own values and conditions, and he, too, has turned into â€Å"the victim of the joke† (Bromige 3). Shrike breaks into the room and mocks him to live at the South Seas: â€Å"I take your silence to mean that you have decided against the soil. I agree with you. Such a life is too dull and laborious. Let us now consider the South Seas† (West). The South Seas represent the expanse of opportunities that are paradoxic ally not available to Miss Lonelyhearts. He can only dream about his attempt to escape his world. Miss Lonelyhearts also victimizes his own identity by not resolving his inner conflicts. He uses Betty and other people to fill his emptiness. For instance, in a vacation, he spends time with Betty, but he does not feel better afterwards. The same feeling of

Voronoi Diagram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Voronoi Diagram - Essay Example Traditional GIS methods have been found to inapplicable for marine mapping. This is primarily because they were built for two-dimensional land application making it hard to integrate marine features into the model. Marine objects are also likely to move over time which cannot be modeled using the traditional GIS. These limitations necessitated the development of a new modeling system that can accurately incorporate marine features while allowing modifications to the system which does not require an overhaul of the whole model. Christopher Gold (1990) responded to the challenge by spearheading research and development of the Voronoi Diagram - a modeling system with a dual geometric structure. Most of the literature on the development of the VD, either in 2D or in 3D, was authored by him. Voronoi diagrams that were developed were able to solve most of the problems because of the following features: All of these features are available in 2D and 3D Voronoi Diagrams. This paper aims to differentiate 2D Voronoi Diagrams from 3D Voronoi Diagrams delineating their differences, advantages and disadvantages over the other. This paper also aims at pointing out the strengths and weakness of the two diagrams such that a conclusion on which one is more advantageous can be made. In 2D Voronoi Diagram, the cell surrounding a data point is a flat convex polygon having a defined number of neighbors (Gold and Ledoux, 1992). That is, its coordinates are only x and y with no z attribute. The analogy is the same as that of drawing figures on a piece of paper. When a plan view is done on the paper, one can see the shapes defined by the lines that were drawn. When the paper is leveled against one's eyesight, there are no figures which can be seen. This illustrates that no such elevation or depth attribute of the figures exist. The geometric dual structure of 2D Voronoi Diagrams are also "flat" in nature and are defined by Delaunay triangles. In Figure 1, Delaunay Triangles are shown by the dashed lines while the solid lines defining a polygon represent the cells surrounding a data point p.Figure 1. A 2D Voronoi Sample Output (Gold, 1991) The vertices of the triangle generating each Voronoi cell must satisfy the empty circumcircle test. A circle is considered empty when there are no points in its interior but more than three points can be directly on the circle - i.e. the points are on its edges. 3D Voronoi Diagram Construct 3-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams, as implied by its name, have 3 coordinates defining the space where the figure can be drawn. As opposed to 2D VDs', leveling the plane of the paper with one's eyesight provides a view of the sides of a figure. An appropriate analogy would be that of the viewing a cube held by the hand. When the figure is viewed from the top, one can see a square. When the hand is leveled against one's eyesight, one can still see the figure of a square. The figure is a volumetric object. The convex polygon in a 2D, thru a construction algorithm, generalizes to a convex polyhedron. The geometric dual becomes a Delaunay tetrahedron. In Figure 2, the edges are the Delaunay edges joining the generator

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

HEALTHY PEOPLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HEALTHY PEOPLE - Essay Example Their subpopulations are culturally distinctive, diverse, and complex; live on nearly 300 locations in the lower 48 states, speaking more than 300 different languages (National Archives 2011). Top issue or problem: Alcohol takes a substantial toll among American Indians. They have a higher rate of alcohol-related death than the general U.S. population (May 1989). In every 100000 population covering both genders of American Indians in the age group of 25-34 years, 62.5 die from accident, 13.7 from homicide, 7.2 from heart disease and 6.4 from liver diseases (Healthy People 2011). A general observation is that alcohol abuse plays a significant role in these problems as it is a major factor in five of the 10 leading causes of mortality for American Indians (IHS, 1992). It is further corroborate by the fact that American Indian men die 2.8 times more frequently than non-Indian men from motor vehicle crashes, 2.7 times more from other accidents, 2.0 times more from suicide, 1.9 times more from homicide, and 6.8 times more frequently from alcoholism (alcohol dependence syndrome, alcoholic psychosis, and chronic liver disease and alcoholic cirrhosis) (May, 1996). For 19, 86 ­1,988, motor vehicle crashes, other accidents, suicide, homicide, and alcoholism caused a total of 5,781 American Indian deaths. 3,656 of these deaths are estimated to have involved alcohol (May 1989).There is the common view that Leland (1976) described in her book  Firewater Myths, that American Indians have an excessive craving for alcohol and to lose control of their behavior when they drink. Interventions that address the social and physical factors that influence alcohol abuse have the potential to prevent unintentional injuries and violence. Although, public health interventions are quite different in scope and application, however, most interventions share a similar path to succes

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Electromagnetism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Electromagnetism - Essay Example Some non-magnetic materials which are conductors help shield magnetic field. A good example is a superconductor, when this material is placed between two magnetic materials; it tends to exclude the magnetic fields created by the magnets. A superconductor material behaves like a magnet in that if the South Pole of the magnet is brought near it, the magnet behaves as though it is being approached by itself from the other side the superconductor. The magnet’s South Pole then starts to repel the â€Å"north pole of the other magnet†, which is just a mirror of itself. Therefore, if a superconductor is placed between which are facing each other no change will be noticed since the two poles of the magnet will tend to repel each other hence cutting off the magnetic fields that existed before. This scenario is very useful in case you don’t need any field in a particular region. The iron box will be used since the fields travel in the walls of the box and does not penetrat e into it. Falling magnets Using the three plates inclined at an angle of 60 degrees, place the magnet on the three plates and allow the magnets to slide from a height of about 30cm. the experiment is repeated by using copper pipes held vertically. The magnet without a stud is dropped while its axis of symmetry is vertically down each pipe. When the magnet is placed along the three plates inclined at an angle of 60 degrees, the magnet slide down the plate slowly. This happens so because the voltage will increase as the magnet moves down the sheets and not when magnet it is stationary. Magnetic fields come about due to electric currents. If these magnetic fields are changed by moving the magnet near a non-magnetic material or metal, it... This paper examines the magnetic field separated by a superconductor material. Magneto static or dipole-dipole forces are very critical in determining the microstructure of any magnet. Magnetic fields in magneto statics which are constant at a particular moment in time always produces steady currents. The charge passing in a wire at per unit time is called the current of that particular wire. Conventionally, it is assumed that electric current always flow in the direction of the movement of the positive charges. Nonmagnetic materials which are conductors can shield the magnetic field to some extent. Some non-magnetic materials which are conductors help shield magnetic field. A good example is a superconductor, when this material is placed between two magnetic materials; it tends to exclude the magnetic fields created by the magnets. A superconductor material behaves like a magnet in that if the South Pole of the magnet is brought near it, the magnet behaves as though it is being approached by itself from the other side the superconductor. Magnetic fields come about due to electric currents. If these magnetic fields are changed by moving the magnet near a non-magnetic material or metal, it induces electric field that is the difference in voltage in the metal. This then produces a magnetic field which is oriented in the direction opposite to that of the magnet. For a homopolar motor, the battery produces electric current which then moves in a radial manner through the magnetic disc.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Socrates guilty or not Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Socrates guilty or not - Essay Example Socrates was convicted with four charges which stated that Socrates studied things up above in the heavens and below the earth, and was capable of making the worse of the arguments appear as the strongest ones owing to his eloquence, which he denies upfront. Furthermore, Socrates was accused of corrupting the mind of the youth of Athens, this charge was a consequence of the prior charges, and he was regarded as an evil doer, who made the youth follow in his evil plans; all this three charges culminated in the claim of the prosecutors that Socrates denied their gods and on the contrary had created gods of his own, and thus called him an atheist (, 2010, 1). Socrates defended himself and negated all these claims; however it is debatable as to whether he had managed to grasp the attention of the jurors, but even if he did, he angered them by proposing the alternate punishment for himself, which showed that he did not fear the jury or the prosecutors or death. Socrates respond ed to all these charges from the prosecutors in a detailed and complicated manner, which is rather confusing and leads the people away from the actual context, like other dialogues of Socrates narrated by Plato, such as ‘Euthyphro’ (Jowett 2008). The response of Socrates managed to make the prosecutors to agree to his denial, he rounded the argument in such a manner as to confuse others. He claimed that the charges against him were false, and levied by people who were personally angered by Socrates, and they were not knowledgeable and wise, and were careless of their people, and did not actually worry about the Athenians, but rather the reputation damage that Socrates caused them by calling them unwise. In order to take revenge from Socrates and teach him and other people who deviate from their orders that they would not be spared by them or the court, and therefore the trial of Socrates resulted in a death penalty which was approved by the majority of the jurors. Socrates

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Acetone - Background of the Study Essay Example for Free

Acetone Background of the Study Essay Familiar household uses of acetone are as the active ingredient in nail polish removers and as paint thinner. Acetone can also be used for medical and cosmetic uses, such as applying acetone with alcohol for acne treatments to peel dry skin. It can also remove residues from glass and porcelain and it can also remove super glue from the skin. Perhaps, acetone is very useful in our everyday lives. Acetone is also known to remove ball pen marks on fabrics and clothings. It has ethyl acetate that is said to remove ball pen stains. Most people accidentally rubs ball pen marks on their clothing on a daily basis. The study was done to find out if acetone is more effective and easier to remove ball pen marks on clothings or fabrics than normal laundry detergent. Statement of the Problem The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is a more effective and easier way in removing ball pen stains on fabrics? 2. Is acetone effective in removing ball pen marks? Hypothesis If the ball pen mark is removed and the clothing is cleaner and whiter using acetone then acetone is more effective and easier way to remove ball pen marks on the clothing. Significance of the Study The study was done to find out if acetone is effective in removing ball pen marks. The study will help mostly students and working adults and everyone who uses ball pen. They will benefit because most of the users have their ball pens blotting on a daily basis. Scope and Limitations The amount of bleach and acetone used is 20 ml. The ball pen mark is of the same size. Even the cloths are of the same type. This means that the study is limited to these amounts only. This study is limited to testing which among bleach or acetone can remove a simple ball pen mark effectively. Review of Related Literature According to, Ethyl Acetate is the solvent present in acetone that can remove the ball pen marks. It is also stated that ethyl acetate is also present in some hairsprays, alcohol, etc. Recommendation The researchers recommend repeating the testing using different cloths and different amounts of bleach and acetone to test other possibilities. It is also suggested that the researchers use warm water for washing the cloths. References Removing ball pen marks-

Friday, September 20, 2019

Improve Personal And Professional Development Skills Information Technology Essay

Improve Personal And Professional Development Skills Information Technology Essay The purpose of this report is to identify the personal development skill as well as professional development skill to the extent of understanding the ways to get better idea about those and then do a personal audit which finally refers to make a plan for personal development for next year. Every organization has a goal to achieve. To achieve that goal organization identifies its target area where the potential problem may arise and can be solved and the training and workshop required developing the skill of the employee. Among those area Human resources is the most important part. To improve that resources organization attempts various program attributable to improve the professional development skill which could effectively give effort to the organization in line with the achievement of the organizational goal. Task-1 1.1. METHODS to improve personal and professional development skills Personal development is the process of improving ones self-knowledge; develop the potentiality of certain areas, building the capability and quality. As Bob Aubrey said, Personal development  refers to activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. Professional development is referred to develop the personal and career skills where the person could effectively provide his/her knowledge to the organization. As described by Speck, M. Knipe, Professional development has been described as intensive and collaborative, ideally incorporating an evaluative stage 1.2 Differences between counseling and mentoring Counseling refers to the process of setting by a counselor with a person to help the persons in particular problem or overall development of attitude and behavior. Counseling basically helps an individual to get their problems identified, solve them in pro-active manner and improve their overall skill way better than before. While saying about counseling Gladding Samuel T said, Counseling emphasizes growth as well as remediation. In an organization counseling helps the employee to identify their problems and solve them. In the organization counseling may deal with its internal skills development like performance appraisal, handling employee grievances, disciplinary procedures, coaching and so on. And deal with external areas such as, conflict resolution, dispute resolution, Mediation, etc. Counseling should be looked upon in terms of the amount of direction that the counselor gives the counselee.   This direction ranges from full direction  (directive counseling)  to  no direction (nondirective   Ã‚  counseling)(source: Directive counseling refers to the process of listening to the proper problem, getting knowledge of the problem of a member; refer the member to potential solving and lastly encouraging the member to solve it. This types of counseling encompasses advice, help to releases emotional activities and thinking. Non-directive counseling refers to; listen to the counselee, help him or her to identify the problem and sort out the proper course of action. Mentoring is the process and technique of sharing knowledge among the person who is less experienced knowledgeable. Mentoring is the most effective way to get the employees share their knowledge between who is knowledgeable and not knowledgeable. Mentoring is the ongoing relationship that helps to solve the potential problems which can be more informal and any person can be mentor and mentee where the organization may need not to bring other external mentors at all time.-   Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge,  social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the mentee) (Bozeman, B. and Feeney, M. K., 2007. Toward a useful theory of mentoring: A conceptual analysis and critique.) Mentoring can be done in the following areas: à ¢- ºBusiness à ¢- ºExecutive à ¢- ºPerformance à ¢- ºSkills à ¢- ºPersonal Example: In an organization there can be various problems that may arise in ongoing business activities. The concerned problems such as the company namely NIKE has facing employee motivational factors are not productive to the degree of expectations. Also conflicts in working arena among the employees arising in different level at different times. After identification of this problem NIKE has taken counseling to solve the problem. Again at the stage of mentoring this situational conflict, the company has taken various initiatives which encompass the increasing of new employee. 1.3. Pprofessional development skills in achieving personal or organisations goals and objectives Professional development skill encompasses to all sort of development starting from college to organizations. There is various ways to develop skills. There are a variety of approaches to professional development, including consultation, coaching, and communities of practice, lesson study, mentoring, reflective supervision and technical assistance.(National Professional Development Center on Inclusion.   What do we mean by professional development in the early childhood field?) Among the various skills three development skills are explained below which gives more accurate to achieve the goals and objectives. These are Leadership skills, Multitasking skills and Coaching. These are explained below: Leadership skill Leadership is the process of acquiring free consent by one person of many others where the person influences to the fraternity that followed by. In an organization leadership is as to be the leading by the key person where the goals oriented business is ongoing. The interests of the organization are in common and everyone within the organization follows the leader. The use of positive reinforcement is a successful and growing technique used by leaders to motivate and attain desired behaviors from subordinates. Organizations such as Frito-Lay, 3M, Goodrich, Michigan Bell, and Emery Air Freight have all used reinforcement to increase productivity.(Source: Lussier Achua, 2010) So, Leadership encompasses those which are attitude, behavior, leading power. In the organization every person requires to attain these as this are present within every department from smaller to larger portion. Multitasking skill Multitasking is the ability to do several tasks at a time. In an organization which is comparatively smaller, shows up that one person is doing the different task at a time which required doing. Rapidly increasing technology fosters multitasking because it promotes multiple sources of input at a given time. Instead of exchanging old equipment like TV, print, and music, for new equipment such as computers, the Internet, and video games children and teens combine forms of media and continually increase sources of input. (Foehr, Ulla, MEDIA MULTITASKING AMONG AMERICAN YOUTH) Coaching Coaching refers to developing the ability of a coachee by coah by various activity to improve the quality of coachee. Coaching is helping to identify the skills and capabilities that are within the person, and enabling them to use them to the best of their ability and by that increasing the independence within the individual, and reducing reliance. (Rixon, Nick,  2007, UK Coaching Academy CD Goals and Motivations) As described by Eric Coaching is a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place (Eric Parsloe, 1999, The Manager as Coach and Mentor. pp 8) Coaching nowadays is not for only senior managers who could in return fulfill the demand of the organization in achieving the goal. But to that context coaching is now has great demand which also given to the lower hierarchy where staff are also required to do the coaching. 1.4 Time Management: the importance and benefits Time management is that skill which helps one to enable effective response to the increase of efficiency and productivity. In business organization time management is all the way important from organizing day to day activities to every departments planning arena. Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools and systems that help individual to use their time to accomplish what they want. (, accessed on 16.12.2010, 8.00pm) So, time management in short can be said that the effective use of time personally or business in an effective manner so that every required task are done accurately. Urgent Not Urgent Important Crying baby Kitchen fire some calls Exercise Vocation Planning Not Important Interruptions Distractions Other Calls Trivia Busy work Time wasters Exhibit: Time Management The importance includes all the way where the idle time increases the cost increase to that level as the organizations are engaged to achieve the goal of maximizing wealth of shareholders and stakeholders. The key benefits that can be derived by effective time management are reducing business harassment, eliminating of idle time of every staff within the organization and diminishing stress. It also helps to get motivated as such where employees are getting return of their work within time. Such as, employees salary, increment, etc. 1.5 Value of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme to both an organisation and an individual A Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an organized learning to a particular subject where professionals get knowledge to the degree of higher efficiency. It helps to concentrate on the particular problem and helps to eliminate and manage that efficiently and orderly. CPD is defined as a commitment to structured skills enhancement and personal or professional competence. DTI, 2002, Accelerating Change This helps to acquire the best effort by personally which ultimately gives support to the organization that the persons are engaged into. As defined by Chartered Institute of Personnel and development in 2000, CPD can also be defined as the conscious updating of professional knowledge and the improvement of professional competence throughout a persons working life. It is a commitment to being professional, keeping up to date and continuously seeking to improve. It is the key to optimizing a persons career opportunities, both today and for the future. CPD value in individual In personnel development CPD gives the best way to segregate oneself from others so that the person can clarify and understand problems and solve them rapidly. It helps them to be up-to-date while increasing demand can make or arise problems in upcoming status. CPD value to the organization The value of CPD to the organization has greater impact as the market are more competitive and grower big than earlier. The ongoing demand to adapt the changes and be skilled within required demand needs to keep the knowledge and upgrading them swiftly so that the organization goals are met. The values of CPD in an organization like NIKE are given below: CPD enables staff to adapt the changes that are occurring daily CPD helps to achieve the organizational goal CPD Helps to identify and solve in the area that are required to get the accurate outcome from the staff TASK- 2 2.1 Personal skills audit Personal development is the process of improving ones self-knowledge; develop the potentiality, identify the weakness and increase the efficiency covering that weakness. The purpose of the audit is for you to be able to identify your own existing strengths and skills, and then to find where additional training or courses may fill gaps in your abilities. ( , accessed on 15.12.2010, 8.30pm) The personal skills audit refers to the process of analyzing ones capability and quality of performance. 2.2 The stages of a personal skills audit Skills audit refers to the process of gathering the information of lacking of individual. The skills audit requires being specific about the consequences and outcome where information will be useful. Also it can be more specific to the specific job task. The stages in personal skills audit are explained below: Stage 1- Performing a skill audit The first stages accomplices the identification of ones or the job tasks improvement requirement process. Where the SWOT analysis will be carried upon by oneself. There the Strengths, Weakness and Opportunity and Threats will be identified and action plan will be done accordingly. NEEDS/ABILITY GRID Needs/Ability Grid describes that A=Chores, B=Confidence, C=Effectiveness, D=Action needed and = Area of Training needed Exhibit 1: Needs / Ability Grid The SWOT analysis encompasses: S-Strengths: Where the person has strength that he believes to be working well. W-Weakness: Where the person has weakness in completing any task. O-Opportunities: Where the person has opportunity to establish his/her efficiency. T-Threats: In which area the person believes to be threat in consideration with the possible inflow of bad result comparing other. Stage 2- Selecting and writing up an Action plan After completing the stage 1 the person requires to identify and select the action plan according to the SWOT analysis. Documenting the action plan establishes the completeness of works to be writing up where the thought will be orderly organized. This can be done effectively followed by S.M.A.R.T. procedure. Stage 3- Documenting the record Whenever the stage 2 completes then it requires keeping up record of the entire document that are required to be done in process of doing the skills audit. The individuals required to do documents where they have developed their skills and where they have to develop yet. Skills audit for effective management leadership Skills audit are required to be done for the management as they helps one to identify and/or management to identify the existing problem and helps to ensure the effective uses of those personnel problems so that the organization can walk through in a good and efficient manner. A skills audit assesses performances, from both a task and process- management perspective. They employ a range of psychometrics which provides a 360 ° profile of the individual skills base within the organization and an assessment of its relevance to strategic objectives. Analysis of any skills gap is made against identification of organizational change drivers, in order to build direction and relevance into subsequent training and learning programmers. ( Leadership is the most important part of the organization as well as management. While running the business organization needs and important representative to reach to the goal so that everything within the organization can be remain managed. 2.3 The importance of identifying learning style The importance of identifying learning style are so vast that by this process an organization could easily be able to identify the target area where the potential official has the most weakness and also has another area that they could be easily use that. The Kolb Learning-Style Inventory is an assessment tool, developed by David A. Kolb, Ph.D. The tool identifies preferred learning styles, and explores how the different styles influence: Making career choices, Problem-solving, Working in teams, Goal-setting, Resolving conflict, Managing others, Dealing with new situations, Communicating at work, Communicating at home ( Exhibit: Kolbs learning style The Four Learning Styles identified in this assessment are: Diverging: combines preferences for  experiencing  and  reflecting Assimilating: combines preferences for  reflecting  and  thinking Converging: combines preferences for  thinking  and  doing Accommodating: combines preferences for  doing  and  experiencing ( 2.4 Monitoring the effectiveness of my own learning style The monitoring of the awareness and effectiveness of that learning are the continuous follow up of the existing learning which could help to understand the situation. Following are the key role to monitor the effectiveness of own learning style: Make strategic goal oriented planning Identification of key areas to be developed Using performance evaluation tools Memorizing frequently Task-3 3.1 personal development plan Personal development plan refers to the process of making own more efficient and career oriented. Personal Development Planning can be defined as a process that helps you to think about your own learning, performance and/or achievements and to plan for your personal, educational and career development. (,) 3.2 Purposes of Personal Development Plan Personal Development Plan is the most organized way to make better oneself. The purposes of Primary development Plan are as follows: The key reason for Personal development Plan is identified here: Personal development directs your attention to important things. Personal development increases your capacity. Personal development connects you with positive people. (, accessed on 16.12.2010, 7.30pm) Since, the Personal development Plan is more important so the person needs more concentration on the part to get better result. 3.3 My personal Development Plan for next year Personal Development Plan is important for every person as it helps to increase the efficiency of any person who carried out the plan. My personal development plan for next year will be as follows: 3.3.1 Identification of the development area (SWOT analysis) At first it is required to identify the personal development area where my personal weakness, strengths, opportunities and threats to be covered. So at first I will conduct an SWOT analysis. This will be done in various angels where the perfect outcome of the testing will be sorted out. 3.3.2 Object oriented future target After identification of SWOT analysis where my potentiality and problems will be identified than I will build up an object oriented future to target for the next year. Even though this process involves this years activity. And the changes level wont be so much vast but the initial planning will be helpful for change to target area from the beginning of next year. 3.3.3 Identify resources and gather accordingly, if needed To accomplish the work I require to be pointed out the resources that are available and after that I will take a control and inventory assessment where any more resources, if required, will be identified and shall be gathered accordingly. 3.3.4 Implementation of the plan and monitoring After all the process done, now I require to go for implementation where I shall have to monitor after implementation. Nowadays the job market is so much competitive that one needs to assure that he or she could compete with others to win a job. By assessing personal skills and understanding the growth of the market with Continuous Personnel Development I could get myself developed to the level where competition is expected and will have the potentially to distinguish. 3.3.5 Skill audit Skills Level of skills Low High Remarks Managing time organizing 1 2 3 4 5 Taking decisions and solving problems 1 2 3 4 5 Preparing plan 1 2 3 4 5 Delegating 1 2 3 4 5 Motivating 1 2 3 4 5 Target mapping 1 2 3 4 5 Communicating via written 1 2 3 4 5 Communicating orally 1 2 3 4 5 Coaching 1 2 3 4 5 After investigation of the above area I have identified that the following parts needed to be developed Managing time organizing Communicating via written Communicating orally Taking decisions and solving problems Preparing plan 3.3.6 Development plan with resource and time Development skills area Aims Resources Time Lag Managing time organizing Continuous develop the time management skill Work breakdown structure, Gantt Chart Entire year Taking decisions and solving problems Need to try decision in particular situation and possible solution Try to solve different case study 3 months Preparing plan Need to try every work by follow plan Planning activity Entire year Communicating via written To be an expert writer Reading newspaper, article, try to follow general written procedures and monitor continuous development Entire year Communicating orally Try to develop professional communication skill for oral communication Regular listing news Entire year conclusion The business growth level is diversified now. The demand of staff potentiality is increasing more with the diverse requirement. The job market is also becoming more competitive than before which requires more competent staff to accomplish multitasking capability. This intensifies the requirement to be capable of handling various tasks at a time with the expectation of return as required. This at finally requires to get the staff motivated and knowledgeable where employee return will be higher as expected.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Legend of Ed Gein and His Filmic Rebirth Essays -- Creative Writin

The Legend of Ed Gein and His Filmic Rebirth So you want to hear a legend hmm? Well, I'll give you what you want, but taint nothin' ‘bout it fiction. Now, you one of them scholarly types ain't ya–college and libraries and all that crap, right? Well, college kiddy you may think you know it all, but I know a thing or two about a thing or two. You haven't seen nothin'. You don't know a damn thing until you step right into the path of a cold-blooded killer. ‘Til you look that crazy sumabitch right in his red eyes and send him back to hell! My name is Deputy Sheriff Frank Worden. I'm old now. When I was young, I was the Deputy Sheriff of this here great town of Plainfield, Wisconsin. I know whatcha thinkin'. I ain't no drunk and ain't crazy. Crazy is man who massacres dozens of women–alive and dead. Crazy is a man who eats human hearts for dinner. Crazy is the way your generation made that bastard one of the most famous movie characters in the world. Edward Gein! Ed...well, he was born and raised in Plainfield. His daddy ran a farm just a few miles outside town. It wasn't long before his daddy up and died–left Ed and his brother alone with that crazy ass momma of their's. That woman was nuts. She went around tellin' them boys that all women was evil. She'd beat'em if they even thought ‘bout courting. When his momma died Ed was near on to thirty years old and still living in his momma's house. He finally took a liking to some gals in town. I guess it was finally safe to talk to ‘em. I don't think no one thought much of Ed. He was real quite like. You know? Kinda kept to himself. I didn't pay much attention to him until that day. I guess it was round ‘bout November of ‘57. Early one morning I thou... ...ual narrative makes the legend more appealing and provides a means for experiencing pleasure in film. Still, however bland the oral legend may have become the horror genre owes its popularity to Ed Gein. His legend is the basis for Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, Halloween, When a Stranger Calls, Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, and just about every other psychopathic character ever to have graced the silver screen. Works Cited Mulvey, Laura."Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema." The Sexual Subject: A Screen Reader in Sexuality/Screen. London: Routledge, 1992. Rebello, Stephen. Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho. New York: Red Dembner Enterprises Corporation, 1990. Rothman, William. Hitchcock–The Murderous Gaze. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982. Wood, Robin. Hitchcock's Films Revisited. New York: Paperback Library, 1970.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Renissance and Reformation Essay -- Political, Economic, Social Develop

The arrival of the Renaissance in Europe brought many developments that led to an entirely new political, economic, and social structure. During the 1400s and 1500s, there was a major change that took place in all aspects of life in Italy. The Renaissance period of the 1500s was a time of artistic wonders of inspiration that emphasized individual achievements, which gave individuals their own ideals to follow. Inspiration from the ancient Greek and Roman people led to humanist beliefs and encouraged men to have achievements in many areas. Recovery from disasters of the fourteenth century such as the plague, political instability, and a decline in Church power led to interests in ancient culture. As interests grew, Renaissance arose in Italy for three reasons. First, Italy had several important cities, whereas most of northern Europe was still rural. Second, these cities included a class of wealthy and powerful merchants and bankers. Third, the ruined buildings and other reminders of classical Rome inspired Italian artists and scholars. The society also divided into three estates, or social classes. First estate was clergy, second was nobility, and third was commoners, which were peasants and townspeople. Also, marriages were arranged to strengthen political ties, and the humanism, new interest in the classical part, led to an important value in Renaissance. The ideals of the people changed . Italian writers, Machiavelli and Castiglione, began to create plays and other pieces of writing that did not hold back their true beliefs. Art, literature, math, and science greatly progressed due to humanism, and artworks became more realistic. Techniques such as fresco, developed by Masaccio, enabled the illusion of depth. Many other te... ... chief pillars were the Jesuits founded by the Ignatius of Loyola, reform of the papacy that happened in part to Protestantism, and Council of Trent that was a Reform Commission appointed in 1537 to determine Church’s ills and affirm traditional Catholic teachings. Then, Protestantism spread more the further it got from Rome. The arrival of the Renaissance in Europe brought many developments that led to an entirely new political, economic, and social structure, but it also brought a corruption in the Church. Inspiration from the ancient Greek and Roman people led to humanist beliefs and encouraged men to have achievements in many areas. The Church was no longer the center of life for many people, but it was still an important aspect. When it was brought to serious questions and political concerns, the Reformation caused Catholic responses in many areas of Europe.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Glass Menagerie :: essays research papers

The Glass Menagerie   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Glass Menagerie, written in 1945 by Tennessee Williams, remains today as a great literary masterpiece. Williams gave unimaginable depth and uniqueness to each of his characters. Even though the play was written in the mid-forties it is timeless, in that the problems and troubles of the characters can be related to life today, more than 50 years later. The Glass Menagerie is a great play with a central theme of escape and many symbols to support this theme. In the following I will give a brief summary and discuss the theme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Glass Menagerie begins with Tom introducing the play as a memory, his own memory of the past. At the start of the play the Wingfield family is eating dinner, after constant harassment on how to eat his food Tom leaves the table to go smoke a cigarette on the fire escape. Amanda tells Laura her story of the old days when she received seventeen gentlemen callers in one day. The next day Amanda finds out that Laura has dropped out of business school, and confronts her, Laura explains that she could not handle the class and has been out walking every day. Amanda sits down with Laura and asks if “she ever liked a boy';?, Laura points to a picture in her yearbook. Later that evening Amanda and Tom argue, she does not understand why Tom goes to the movies every night. Tom states that he hates working for the family as he has been doing and leaves for the movies. He returns late that night drunk and after losing his key Laura opens the door for him. Tom tells he r about the movie and of the magic show he had seen, giving her a scarf from the show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next morning Amanda wakes Tom for work and asks him to bring home a gentlemen caller for Laura. Tom came home from work and announced that he had invited Jim O`connor to dinner the next day. When Jim comes for dinner Laura recognizes him as the one she pointed out in the yearbook. Laura becomes sick and must excuse herself from the dinner table. After dinner Amanda tells Jim to keep Laura company in the parlor, at first Laura is scared but loosens up after some conversation. Jim ends up kissing Laura and regretting it after he announces that he is engaged. Amanda becomes angry with Tom for not telling of the engagement, Tom insists he did not know.

Banks in the Philippines

————————————————- List of banks in the Philippines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The  Philippines  has a comprehensive banking system encompassing various types of banks, from large  universal banks  to small  rural banks  and even  non-banks. As at 31 March 2011, there are 19 universal banks, 19  commercial banks, 73  thrift banks, 595 rural banks, 40  credit unions  and 15 non-banks with quasi-banking functions, all licensed with the  Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas(Central Bank of the Philippines) under  Republic Act  No. 791, also known as the General Banking Act of 2000, share roughly the same powers. ————————————————- —————————————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Powers of a universal bank A universal bank has the same powers as a commercial bank with the following additional powers: the powers of an  investment house  as provided in existing laws and the power to invest in non-allied enterprises. List of local universal banks Government-owned * Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines * Development Bank of the Philippines Land Bank of the Philippines [edit]Private-owned 1. Banco de Oro Universal Bank 2. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company 3. Bank of the Philippine Islands 4. Philippine National Bank 5. Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation 6. UnionBank of the Philippines 7. China Banking Corporation 8. Citibank 9. East West Bank 10. Philippine Savings Bank 11. Philtrust Bank  (Philippine Trust Company) 12. Security Bank 13. United Coconut Planters Bank 14. Allied Bank Corporation ———————————————â€⠀- [edit]Powers of a commercial bankIn addition to having the powers of a thrift bank, a commercial bank has the power to accept drafts and issue  letters of credit; discount and negotiate  promissory notes, drafts,  bills of exchange, and other evidences of  debt; accept or create demand deposits; receive other types of deposits and deposit substitutes; buy and sell foreign exchange and  gold  or  silver  bullion; acquire marketable  bonds  and other debt securities; and extend credit. [edit]List of local commercial banks * Asia United Bank * Bank of Commerce * BDO Private Bank  (subsidiary of Banco de Oro) * Philippine Bank of Communications Philippine Veterans Bank * Robinsons Bank Corporation [edit]List of foreign banks with commercial banking operations [edit]Branches * Australia and New Zealand Banking Group * Bangkok Bank * Bank of America, N. A. * Bank of China * Chinatrust Commercial Bank * Citibank, N. A. * Deutsche Bank AG * Hongkong and Shanghai Ba nking Corporation * ING Group * JPMorgan Chase * Korea Exchange Bank * Mega International Commercial Bank * Mizuho Corporate Bank * Standard Chartered Bank * The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. ————————————————- [edit]Thrift banks [edit]Powers of a thrift bankA thrift bank has the power to accept savings and time deposits, act as a correspondent with other financial institutions and as a collection agent for government entities, issue mortgages, engage in real estate transactions and extend credit. In addition, thrift banks may also maintain checking accounts, act as a depository for government entities and local government units and engage in quasi-banking and money market operations subject to the approval of the Bangko Sentral. As per the banker Amit Malhotra, the performance of thrift banks are underrated. [edit]List of local thrift banks [edit]Government-owned * Ph ilippine Postal Savings Bank edit]Privately owned * Accord Savings Bank * Allied Savings Bank  (subsidiary of Allied Bank) * Anchor Savings Bank * Area Development Bank * Asiatrust Development Bank * Bank of Calape * Bank of Cebu * BankOne Savings and Trust Corporation * Bankwise * Bataan Development Bank * Bataan Savings and Loan Bank * BPI Direct Savings Bank  (subsidiary of Bank of the Philippine Islands) * BPI Family Savings Bank  (subsidiary of Bank of the Philippine Islands) * Business and Consumers Bank * Century Savings Bank * Chinabank Savings  (formerly Manila Bank; subsidiary of Chinabank) * City Savings Bank * Citystate Savings Bank Cordillera Savings and Loan Bank * Dumaguete City Development Bank * Dungganon Bank * EIB Savings Bank  (subsidiary of Export and Industry Bank) * Equicom Savings Bank * Express Savings Bank * Farmers Savings and Loan Bank * First Consolidated Bank * GSIS Family Bank  (subsidiary of the  Government Service Insurance System) * Hi yas Bank * Iloilo City Development Bank * Inter-Asia Development Bank * ISLA Bank * Kauswagan Bank * Legazpi Savings Bank, Inc. * Lemery Savings and Loan Bank * Liberty Savings and Loan Association * Life Savings Bank * Luzon Development Bank * Malasiqui Progressive Savings and Loan Bank Malayan Bank * Metro Cebu Public Savings Bank * Micro Enterprise Bank * Microfinance Maximum Savings Bank, Inc. (MAXBANK) * Northpoint Development Bank * Opportunity Microfinance Bank * Optimum Development Bank * Pacific Ace Savings Bank * Palawan Development Bank * Pampanga Development Bank * Penafrancia Savings and Loan Association * Philam Savings Bank  (subsidiary of  Philam Life) * Philippine Business Bank * Philippine Savings Bank  (Metrobank Group) * Planters Development Bank * Premiere Development Bank  (to be acquired by Security Bank) * Progress Savings and Loan Association * Queen City Development Bank Quezon Coconut Producers Savings and Loan Bank * RCBC Savings Bank (subsidiary of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation) * Robinsons Savings Bank  (subsidiary of  JG Summit Holdings) * Sampaguita Savings and Loan Association * San Pablo City Development Bank * Sandigan Savings Bank * Silangan Savings and Loan Bank * Sterling Bank of Asia * The Real Bank * Tower Development Bank * UCPB Savings Bank  (subsidiary of United Coconut Planters Bank) * University Savings and Loan Bank * Village Savings and Loan Association * Vizcaya Savings and Loan Association * Wealth Development Bank * Winbank * World Partners Bank edit]List of foreign banks with thrift banking operations * Citibank  (through Citibank Savings) * HSBC  (through HSBC Savings Bank) * United Overseas Bank ————————————————- [edit]Cooperative and rural banks Rural and cooperative banks are the more popular type of banks in the rural communities. Their role is to promote and expand the rural economy in an orderly and effective manner by providing the people in the rural communities with basic financial services. Rural and cooperative banks help farmers through the stages of production, from buying seedlings to marketing of their produce.Rural banks and cooperative banks are differentiated from each other by ownership. While rural banks are privately owned and managed, cooperative banks are organized/owned by cooperatives or federation of cooperatives. A rural bank has the power to provide adequate credit facilities to farmers and merchants or to cooperatives of such farmers and merchants and, in general, to the people of the rural communities of which the rural bank operates in. [edit]List of cooperative banks * Agusan del Norte Cooperative Bank * Bataan Cooperative Bank * Banco Cooperativa de Zamboanga * Camiguin Cooperative Bank * Capiz Settlers Cooperative Bank Cooperative Bank of Agusan del Sur * Cooperative Bank of Aklan * Cooperative Bank of Aurora * Coopera tive Bank of Benguet * Cooperative Bank of Bohol * Cooperative Bank of Bukidnon * Cooperative Bank of Bulacan * Cooperative Bank of Cagayan * Cooperative Bank of Camarines Norte * Cooperative Bank of Camarines Sur * Cooperative Bank of Cavite * Cooperative Bank of Cebu * Cooperative Bank of Davao del Sur * Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte * Cooperative Bank of Iloilo * Cooperative Bank of La Union * Cooperative Bank of Lanao del Norte * Cooperative Bank of Misamis Oriental * Cooperative Bank of Mountain Province Cooperative Bank of Negros Oriental * Cooperative Bank of Cotabato * Cooperative Bank of Nueva Ecija * Cooperative Bank of Palawan * Cooperative Bank of Pampanga * Cooperative Bank of Quezon Province * Cooperative Bank of Surigao del Sur * Cooperative Bank of Tarlac * Cooperative Bank of Zambales * Cooperative Bank of Zamboanga del Norte * Cooperative Bank of Zamboanga del Sur * Countryside Cooperative Bank of Batangas * First Isabela Cooperative Bank * Ilocos Sur Cooperativ e Bank * Leyte Cooperative Bank * Metro South Cooperative Bank * National Teachers and Employees Cooperative Bank * Occidental Mindoro Cooperative Bank Samahang Nayon Cooperative Bank of Nueva Vizcaya * Sorsogon Provincial Cooperative Bank * Southern Leyte Cooperative Bank [edit]List of rural banks [edit]Agusan del Norte * Green Bank [edit]Agusan del Sur * Peoples Bank of Caraga, Inc. [edit]Aklan * Rural Bank of Altavas * Rural Bank of Balete * Rural Bank of Banga (Aklan) * Rural Bank of Makato * Rural Bank of New Washington * Rural Bank of Malinao – Microsavers Bank [edit]Albay * Camalig Bank * Cagsawa Rural Bank * Ibalon Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Guinobatan [edit]Bataan * Balanga Rural Bank * Orani Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Abucay * Rural Bank of Bagac [edit]Batangas 5 Speed Rural Bank * Balayan Bay Rural Bank * Banco Batangan * Banco ng Masa * Bangko Kabayan * Batangas Rural Bank for Cooperatives * Bolbok Rural Bank * Calaca Rural Bank * Classic Rural Bank * Dynamic Bank * Empire Rural Bank * Excel Rural Bank * Farmers Rural Bank * First Coconut Rural Bank * Limcoma Rural Bank * Lipa Bank * Lipa Public Bank * Lobo Rural Bank * Malarayat Rural Bank * Mount Makiling Rural Bank * New Rural Bank of Agoncillo * President Jose P. Laurel Rural Bank * Progressive Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Alitagtag * Rural Bank of Padre Garcia * Sto Rosario Rural BAnk * Women's Rural Bank, Inc. [edit]Bohol First Consolidated Bank [edit]Biliran * Rural Bank of Naval, Inc. [edit]Benguet * Benguet Center Bank * Diamond Rural Bank * Highland Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Baguio [edit]Bukidnon * Malaybalay Rural Bank * Asian Hills Bank [edit]Bulacan * Agricom Rural Bank * Apex Rural Bank * Baliuag Rural Bank * Banco Rural de General Tinio * Bangko Luzon * Bangko Rural ng Kalumpit * Rural Bank of San Pascual inc. * Delmont Bank  (Rural bank of  San Jose del Monte City) * East Coast Rural Bank of Hagonoy * Emerald Rural Bank * Fil-Agro Rural Bank * Gateway Rural Bank * Meyacaua yan Second Rural Bank, Inc. * La Consolacion Rural Bank Rural Bank of Angat * Rural Bank of Dona Remedios Trinidad * Silahis Bank * Rural Bank of Bustos * Rural Bank of Pandi [edit]Cagayan * Providence Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Gattaran * Claveria Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Sanchez Mira [edit]Camarines Sur * Bangko Rural ng Magarao * Bangko Rural ng Pasacao * First Naga Rural Bank * G-7 Bank * Municipal Rural Bank of Libmanan * Municipal Rural Bank of Nabua * Penafrancia Rural Bank of Calabanga * Rural Bank of Sipocot * Rural Bank of Pamplona * Rural Bank of Minalabac * Rural Bank of San Fernando * Rural Bank of Cabusao * Rural Bank of San Jose * Rural Bank of Pili * Rural Bank of Milaor Rural Bank of Ragay * Rural Bank of Iriga [edit]Camiguin * Mambajao Community Rural Bank * Philippine Intercity Rural Bank [edit]Capiz * Farmer's Bank of Capiz * President Roxas Rural Bank, Inc. * Rural Bank of Mambusao, Inc. * Rural Bank of Panay, Inc. * Rural Bank of Dao, Inc. * Rural Bank of Pil ar, Inc. * Rural Bank of Pilar, Inc. , Roxas City Branch * Rural Bank of Ivisan, Inc. * Rural Bank of Cuartero, Inc. * Rural Bank of Jamindan, Inc. * Rural Bank of Sapian, Inc. [edit]Cavite * Advance Rural Bank * Bangko Mabuhay * Capitol City Rural Bank of Trece Martires * Cavite Rural Banking Corporation * Cebuana Lhuillier Rural Bank Central Equity Rural Bank * Community Bank * First Reliance Bank * GMA Rural Bank of Cavite * Imus Rural Bank * Masuerte Rural Bank of Bacoor * Rural Bank of Amadeo * Rural Bank of Magallanes * Rural Bank of Maragondon * Unlad Rural Bank of Noveleta, Inc. [edit]Cebu * Frontier Rural Bank * Aspac Rural Bank * Banco Maximo * Banco of East Asia * Banco Rural de Isla Cordova * Cardinal Rural Bank * Coastal Bank * Community Rural Bank of Catmon * Community Rural Bank of Medellin * First Agro Industrial Rural Bank * Frontier Rural Bank * Lapu Lapu Rural Bank * Mactan Rural Bank * Philippine Countryside Rural Bank * Pilipino Rural Bank Plaza Rural Bank * Upl and Rural Bank [edit]Compostela Valley * Rural Bank, Inc. * Money Mall Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Montevista(Davao), Inc * Rural Bank of Compostela(Davao), Inc * Rural Bank of Mawab [edit]Davao del Norte * First Tagum Rural Bank, Inc. * Century Rural Bank [edit]Davao del Sur * First Tagum Rural Bank, Inc. * Community Rural Bank of Magsaysay * One Network Bank * Rural Bank of Digos, Inc. [edit]Davao Oriental * First Tagum Rural Bank, Inc. * Rural Bank of Baganga [edit]Ifugao * Lagawe Highlands Rural Bank [edit]Ilocos Norte * Banco Dingras * Ilocandia Community Bank * Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte San Nicolas Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte-Laoag City * Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte-Batac City [edit]Ilocos Sur * Cordillera Bank * Vigan Banco Rural Incorporada * Rural Bank of Tagudin, Inc * Rural Bank of Cabugao, Inc. * Rural Bank of Sta. Maria, Inc * Sadiri Rural Bank, Inc. * Rural Bank of Magsingal, Inc. * Ilocos Sur Cooperative Bank [edit]Iloilo * Rural Bank of Guimbal (Iloil o) * Racso's Bank * Bangko Buena Consolidated * Rural Bank of Santa Barbara (Iloilo) * Community Rural Bank of San Joaquin * Farmers Trader Rural Bank * First Midland Rural Bank * Janiuay Rural Bank * LifeBank * Progressive Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Alimodian Rural Bank of Anilao * Rural Bank of Badiangan * Rural Bank of Leganes * Rural Bank of Oton [edit]Isabela * Banco Agricola * Golden Rural Bank of the Philippines * Mallig Plains Rural Bank * Philippine Rural Banking Corporation * Rural Bank of Alicia * Rural Bank of Angadanan * Rural Bank of Benito Soliven * Providence Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Magsaysay, Isa. Inc. * Rural Bank of Cauayan, Inc. [edit]Laguna * Rural Bank of Bay,Inc. * Binan Rural Bank * Card Rural Bank * De La O Rural Bank * Entrepreneur Rural Bank * First United Farmers Bank * Key Rural Bank * Ormon Bank * PlanBank Rural Bank of Canlubang Planters Provident Rural Bank of Santa Cruz * Rural Bank of Alaminos * Laguna Prestige Banking Corporation * Rural Bank of Lumban * Rural Bank of Mabitac, Inc. * Rural Bank of Nagcarlan * Rural Bank of Paete * Rural Bank of Pagsanjan * Rural Bank of Calauan * Rural Bank of Calamba * Malarayat Bank * Rural Bank Of Magdalena (Laguna) * CARD Bank [edit]Lanao del Sur * Bagong Bangko Rural ng Malabang * Maranao Rural Bank [edit]Leyte * First Interstate Bank * Rural Bank of Dulag * Rural Bank of Hindang * Rural Bank of Hilongos * Rural Bank of Bato * Rural Bank of Burauen * Rural Bank of Ormoc * Rural Bank of Naval, Carigara Branch edit]Southern Leyte * Rural Bank of Maasin * Rural Bank of Malitbog * Rural Bank of Padre Burgos * Rural Bank of Hinundayan * Rural Bank of San Juan [edit]Maguindanao * New Settlers Bank [edit]Metro Manila * AMA Bank * Baclaran Rural Bank * Banco de Jesus Rural Bank * Banco San Juan * Bangko Pasig * BMS Rural Bank * Builders Rural Bank * Country Rural Bank of Taguig * Enterprise Capital Rural Bank * Filipino Savers Bank * Finman Rural Bank * First Country Rural Bank * First Macro Bank * Insular Rural Bank * MVSM Bank (A Rural Bank Since 1953) * Rodriguez Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Alabang * Bank of Makati * Tambunting Bank edit]Misamis Occidental * Community Rural Bank of Clarin * First Community Cooperative Bank of Misamis Occidental * Panguil Bay Rural Bank of Ozamiz * Rural Bank of Bonifacio * Rural Bank of Tudela * Bank of Misamis. The merging of Rural Bank of Tudela, Mis. Occ. and Rural Bank of Kolambogan, Lanao del Nort * Rural Bank of Plaridel [edit]Misamis Oriental * Bangko Rural ng Tagoloan * Community Rural Bank of Naawan * Philippine Farmers Bank * Rural Bank of Talisayan * first Valley Bank [edit]Mountain Province * Rural Bank of Sagada [edit]Negros Occidental * Rural Bank of Marayo * Community Rural Bank of Magallon First Community Bank * First State Rural Bank * Nation Bank * New Rural Bank of Binalbagan, Inc. * New Rural Bank of Victorias * Rural Bank of Bacolod City [edit]Negros Oriental * Central Visayas Rural Bank * Dumaguete Rural Bank * R ural Bank of Amlan * Rural Bank of Ayungon * Rural Bank of Bacong * Rural Bank of Guihulngan * Rural Bank of Valencia * Rural Bank of Manjuyod * Rural Bank of Larena * Rural Bank of Basay * Rural Bank of Pamplona * Rural Bank of Santa Catalina * SG Bank [edit]Nueva Ecija * Aliaga Farmers Rural Bank * Banco Rural de General Tinio * Bangko Luzon Inc. * Cabanatuan City Rural Bank * Citizen's Rural Bank Cooperative Bank of Nueva Ecija * Cuyapo Rural Bank * FARM Bank * GM Bank Inc. * Kabalikat Rural Bank * Masagana Rural Bank * Merchant Rural Bank of Talavera * Millennium Bank * New Rural Bank of Guimba * New Rural Bank of San Leonardo * Producers Rural Bank of San Jose City * Rural Bank of Laur * Rural Bank of Lupao * Rural Bank of Quezon * Rural Bank of Makati * Rural Bank of Sto. Domingo * Small & Medium Enterprise Bank * Towncall Rural Bank * Westmont Bank [edit]Nueva Vizcaya * Agri Business Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Aritao * Rural Bank of Solano * Cooperative Bank of Nueva Vizcaya [edit]Oriental Mindoro Oriental Tamaraw Rural Bank of Naujan * Rural Bank of Baco * Rural Bank of Gloria * Rural Bank of Bansud * Rural Bank of Pinamalayan * Rural Bank of Pola * Rural Bank of Naujan * Rural Bank of Victoria * Rural Bank of Socorro * Rural Bank of Bongabong [edit]Pampanga * Rural Bank of Porac * Banco Nuestra Senora del Pilar * Bank of Florida * Bangko San Lus (2nd Rural Bank of San Luis) * Crown Bank * Delta Civic Bank * Guagua Rural Bank * Guagua Savers Bank * Rural Bank of Angeles * Rural Bank of Apalit * Rural Bank of San Luis * Unity Bank [edit]Pangasinan * Banco Rural de San Antonio * Bangko Pangasinan * Bani Rural Bank BHF Rural Bank * Corfarm Rural Bank of Umingan * CSF Rural Bank of Bayambang * Gulf Bank * Kaluyagan Rural Bank * Kaunlaran Rural Bank * Pangasinan Bank * People's Rural Bank of Binmaley * Rural Bank of Agno * Rural Bank of Alaminos * Rural Bank of Anda * Rural Bank of Dasol * Rural Bank of Bautista * Rural Bank of Mangaldan [edit]Quezon * St. Jude Cooperative Bank * Quezon Capital Rural Bank * Grand-Agri Rural Bank * Mega Rural Bank * Polillo Island Rural Bank * Quezon Capital Rural Bank * Quezon Traders Rural Bank of Candelaria * Rural Bank of Alabat * Rural Bank of Atimonan * Rural Bank of Candelaria * Rural Bank of Dolores Rural Bank of Lucban * Rural Bank of Mauban * Rural Bank of Sariaya * Rural Bank of Tagkawayan * Tiaong Rural Bank [edit]Rizal * Binangonan Rural Bank * Eastern Rizal Rural Bank * Filidian Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Cardona * Growers Rural Bank * Tanay Rural Bank * Rizal Rural Bank (Taytay), Inc. * Rural Bank of Angono * Rural Bank of Antipolo * Rural Bank of Cainta * Rural Bank of Montalban * Rural Bank of Pililla [edit]Romblon * Community Rural Bank of Romblon [edit]Sarangani * Rural Bank of DAR Beneficiaries Cooperative * Rural Bank of Alabel * Sarangani Rural Bank, Inc. [edit]South Cotabato * Peninsula Rural Bank People's Rural Bank * Partner Rural Bank, Surallah, So. Cot. * Rural Bank of Norala (Norala, So. Cot. ), Inc. [edit]Southern Leyte * Community Rural Bank of Maasin [edit]Sultan Kudarat * Partner Rural Bank, Tacurong City [edit]Surigao del Sur * Bangko Carrascal * Enterprise Bank  www. ebi. ph]] * Cantilan Bank, Inc. [edit]Surigao del Norte * Surigaonon Rural Banking Corporation * Evergreen Rural Bank,Inc. * Siargao Bank * Rural Bank of Placer [edit]Tarlac * Bangko Santo Nino * Camiling Rural Bank * First Provincial Bank * Rural Bank of Tarlac * Rural Bank of Victoria * Rural Bank of Pura * Rural Bank of La Paz * St. Michael Rural Bank edit]Zambales * Community Rural Bank of San Felipe * Countryside Rural Bank of Palauig * Maharlika Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Cabangan * Zambank * Unity Bank * Rural Bank of Candelaria Zambales, Inc. * Rural Bank of San Narcisco, Inc. * Rural Bank of San Marcelino, Inc. [edit]Zamboanga del Norte * Rural Bank of Labason * Community Rural Bank of Dapitan City * Rural Bank of Roxas * Katipunan Rural Bank * Rizal Rural Bank * Rural Ban k of Dipolog City * Rural Bank of Siocon * Rural Bank of Liloy [edit]Zamboanga del Sur * Rural Bank of Pagadian City * Rural Bank of Salug Valley [edit]Zamboanga Sibugay * Rural Bank of Kabasalan Inc. edit]Zamboanga City * Rural Bank of Siocon Inc. * Rural Bank of Zamboanga * Banco Cooperativa de Zamboanga ————————————————- [edit]Defunct or merged banks * Citytrust  Savings Bank (acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * Acme Savings Bank(Acquired by the Sy Group of Companies and Renamed  Banco De Oro) * Far East Bank and Trust Company  (acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * People's Bank and Trust Company(acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * SolidBank Corporation (acquired by Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co) * G7 Bank * Insular Savings Bank  (acquired by Citibank) International Exchange Bank  (acquired by Union Bank of the Philippines) * Insu lar Bank of Asia and America (Merged with  Philippine Commercial International Bank) * Monte de Piedad Savings Bank  (acquired by Keppel Bank) * Mindanao Development Bank(Merged with  Equitable Banking Corporation) * Ecology Bank(Merged with  Equitable Banking Corporation) * Keppel Bank  (acquired by  GE Capital Finance) * Philippine Commercial International Bank  (merged with Equitable Bank forming  Equitable PCI Bank  and now merged with  Banco De Oro) * PCIBank Savings (bought by the HSBC Group and renamed HSBC Savings Bank. * DBS Bank Philippines Ltd. (acquired by BPI) * Equitable Banking Corporation  (merged with PCI Bank forming  Equitable PCI Bank  and now merged with  Banco De Oro) * Prudential Bank  (acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * Urban Bank  (forced to close then merged with Export and Industry Bank) * Equitable PCI Bank  (merged with Banco de Oro) * Export and Industry Bank * American Express Bank  (Renamed BDO Elite Savi ngs Bank) * Equitable Savings Bank  (merged with BDO) * Banco Santander Central Hispano (Philippine subsidiary acquired by  Banco De Oro  and renamed BDO Private Bank) * Dao Heng Bank  (acquired by Banco e Oro) * 1st E Bank  (Philippine Branches acquired by Banco de Oro) * United Overseas Bank  (66 out of 67 Branches merged with  Banco De Oro * BDO Elite Savings Bank (merged with BDO along with Equitable Savings, Equitable PCI and PCI Capital Corp) * GE Money Bank  (acquired by Banco de Oro) * Green Bank of Caraga(Acquired by East West Bank) * LBC Development Bank * Traders Royal Bank (Acquired by Bank of Commerce) * Capitol Bank (acquired by RCBC, now named as RCBC Savings Bank) * Asianbank (acquired by Metrobank)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Discovery: Indigenous Australians and Historical Truth Essay

Discoveries reveal things that we often would prefer to keep hidden. Discuss the concept of â€Å"Discovery† and the effects it has on those who are involved. You must refer to your set text and supplementary material which you have studied in relation to this topic. The topic discovery involves the reviling of past things that were previously unknown. These truths can range from physical objects to self-awareness, from new knowledge to hidden memory. However, discovery can be such a powerful thing that some things may be better left hidden. An example of someone discovering the past is in the set text, Sally Morgan’s â€Å"My Place†. The supplementary material that will be â€Å"Paperbark-tree† by Oodgeroo Noonuccal and Sarah’s Story from the National Inquiry. Two issues that are raised in â€Å"My Place† are the discovery of self and the search for historical truth. Part of growing up involves the discovery of self. This normally means finding out your family’s history. In â€Å"My Place†, Sally grows up feeling that there is a lot about her past that she doesn’t know.†the feeling that a very vital part of me was missing and that I’d never belong anywhere. † When she was a child, her best friend was Winnie the Pooh. She felt that she had a lot in common because they both felt like misfits. Both her mother and grandmother know that Sally doesn’t know much about their Aboriginal heritage, and so therefore tell her that she is Indian. â€Å"Come on, Mum, what are we? What do the kids at school say? Anything. Italian, Greek, Indian. Tell them you’re Indian. † Eventually Sally find’s out that she is Aboriginal and by finding this out, starts her on a quest for knowledge. This feeling of having not much idea of who you are may make you want to go and find out the truth. A big example of this is Aborigine’s who were taken from their parents as children and sent away to work as slaves. In Sarah’s story she explains how as a child, just like Sally, she was told that she was not aboriginal. She was white skinned living with her white skinned father and had to be taken away because people believed that white skins should not mix with natives. â€Å"We were discouraged from any contact with Aboriginal People. † The second issue that is faced in â€Å"My Place† is historical truth. Know matter how the reader interprets the story, they are always going to be able to read about Australia’s past. As Arthur tells Sally, â€Å"There’s almost nothing written from a personal point of view about Aboriginal people. No one knows what it was like for us. A lot of our history has been lost? † In search for her family’s story, Sally uncovers the historical truth of a generation controlled by a white Australia. Paperbark Tree, by Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a short story, who has been cut off from the Aboriginal ways of life, travels the country looking for traces of her tribe. Both Oodergeroo in the story and Sally Morgan begin their search for knowledge as women without an understanding of their past history. They both need to connect with their Aboriginality and understand how their relatives or tribe members lived. They both travel around looking for information. By learning stories of the past, and writing them down, both women are able to understand who they are and connect with the wealth of aboriginal culture and experience. In conclusion, discoveries can reveal things that that are previously unknown and sometimes the truth is better left hidden.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Jose Rizal’s Timeline

Source: http://joserizal. info/Biography/timeline. htm CHRONOLOGY 1848, June 28 — Rizal’s parents married in Kalamba, La Laguna: Francisco Rizal-Mercado y Alejandra (born in Binan, April 18, 1818) and Teodora Morales Alonso-Realonda y Quintos (born in Sta. Cruz, Manila, Nov. 14, 1827). 1861, June 19 — Rizal born, their seventh child. 1861, June 22 — Christened as Jose Protasio Rizal-Mercado y Alonso-Realonda 1870, age 9 — In school at Binan under Master Justiniano Aquin Cruz. 1871, age 10 — In Kalamba public school under Master Lucas Padua. 872, June 10, age 11 — Examined in San Juan de Letran college, Manila, which, during the Spanish time, as part of Sto. Tomas University, controlled entrance to all higher institutions. 1872, June 26 — Entered the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, then a public school, as a day scholar. 1875, June 16, age 14 — Became a boarder in the Ateneo. 1876, March 23, age 15 — Received the Bachel or of Arts (B. A. ) degree, with highest honors, from Ateneo de Manila. 1877, June. — Entered Sto. Tomas University in the Philosophy course. 877, Nov. 29 — Awarded diploma of honorable mention and merit by the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country, Amigos del Pais, for the prize poem. 1878, June, age 16. — Matriculated in the medical course. Won Liceo Artistico-Literario prize, in poetical competition for â€Å"Indians and Mestizos†, with the poem â€Å"To the Philippine Youth†. Wounded in the back for not saluting a Guardia Civil lieutenant whom he had not seen. The authorities ignored his complaint. 1880, April 23, age 19. – Received Licco Artistico-Literario diploma of honorable mention for the allegory, â€Å"The Council of the Gods†, in competition open to â€Å"Spaniards, mestizos and Indians†. Unjustly deprived of the first prize. 1880, Dec. 8. — Operetta â€Å"On the Banks of the Pasig† produce d. 1881, age 20. — Submitted winning wax model design for commemorative medal for the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country centennial. 1882, May 3, age 21. — Secretly left Manila taking a French mail steamer at Singapore for Marseilles and entering Spain at Port Bou by railroad. His brother, Paciano Mercado, furnished the money. 1882, June. – Absence noted at Sto. Tomas University, which owned the Kalamba estate. Rizal’s father was compelled to prove that he had no knowledge of his son’s plan in order to hold the land on which he was the University’s tenant. 1882, June 15. — Arrived in Barcelona. 1882, October 3. — Began studies in Madrid. 1886, –Received degree of Licentiate in Medicine with honors from Central University of Madrid on June 19 at the age of 24. Clinical assistant to Dr. L. de Wecker, a Paris oculist. Visited Universities of Heidelberg, Leipzig, and Berlin. 1887, Feb. 21, age 26. — Fini shed the novel Noli Me Tangere in Berlin.Traveled in Austria, Switzerland and Italy. 1887, July 3. — Sailed from Marseilles. 1887, Aug. 5. — Arrived in Manila. Traveled in nearby provinces with a Spanish lieutenant, detailed by the Governor-General, as escort. 1888, Feb. — Sailed for Japan via Hong Kong. 1888, Feb. 28 to April 13, age 27. — A guest at the Spanish Legation, Tokyo, and traveling in Japan. 1888, April-May. — Traveling in the United States. 1888, May 24. — In London, studying in the British Museum to edit Morga’s 1609 Philippine History. 1889, March, age 28. — In Paris, publishing Morga’s History.Published â€Å"The Philippines A Century Hence† in La Solidaridad, a Filipino fortnightly review, first of Barcelona and later of Madrid. 1890, February to July, age 29. — In Belgium finished El Filibusterismo which is the sequel to Noli Me Tangere. Published â€Å"The Indolence of the Filipino† in La Solidaridad. 1890, August 4. — Returned to Madrid to confer with his countrymen on the Philippine situation, then constantly growing worse. 1891, January 27. — Left Madrid for France. 1891, November, age 30. — Arranging for a Filipino agricultural colony in British North Borneo. Practiced medicine in Hong Kong. 892, June 26, age 31. — Returned to Manila under Governor-General Despujol’s safe conduct pass. Organized a mutual aid economic society: La Liga Filipina on July 3. 1892, July 6. — Ordered deported to Dapitan, but the decree and charges were kept secret from him. Taught school and conducted a hospital during his exile, patients coming from China coast ports for treatment. Fees thus earned were used to beautify the town. Arranged a water system and had the plaza lighted. 1896, August 1, age 35. — Left Dapitan en route to Spain as a volunteer surgeon for the Cuban yellow fever hospitals.Carried letters of recommendation f rom Governor-General Blanco. 1896, August 7 to September 3. — On Spanish cruiser Castilla in Manila Bay. Sailed for Spain on Spanish mail steamer and just after leaving Port Said was confined to his cabin as a prisoner on cabled order from Manila. (Rizal’s enemies to secure the appointment of a governor-general subservient to them, the servile Polavieja had purchased Governor-General Blanco’s promotion. ) 1896, October 6. — Placed in Montjuich Castle dungeon on his arrival in Barcelona and the same day re-embarked for Manila.Friends and countrymen in London by cable made an unsuccessful effort for a Habeas Corpus writ at Singapore. On arrival in Manila was placed in Fort Santiago dungeon. 1890, December 3. — Charged with treason, sedition and forming illegal societies, the prosecution arguing that he was responsible for the deeds of those who read his writings. During his imprisonment Rizal began to formulate in his mind his greatest poem who other s later entitle, â€Å"My Last Farewell. † (later concealed in an alcohol cooking lamp) December 12 — Rizal appears in a courtroom where the judges made no effort to check those who cry out for his death. 896, December 15. — Wrote an address to insurgent Filipinos to lay down their arms because their insurrection was at that time hopeless. Address not made public but added to the charges against him. 1896, December 27. — Formally condemned to death by a Spanish court martial. Pi y Margall, who had been president of the Spanish Republic, pleaded with the Prime Minister for Rizal’s life, but the Queen Regent could not forgive his having referred in one of his writings to the murder by, and suicide of, her relative, Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria. 896, December 29 — Completes and puts into writing â€Å"My Last Farewell. † He conceals the poem in an alcohol heating apparatus and gives it to his family. He may have also concealed another copy of the same poem in one of his shoes but, if so, it is lost in decomposition in his burial. 1896, December 30, age 35 years, 6 months, 11 days. — Roman Catholic sources allege that Rizal marries Josephine Bracken in his Fort Santiago death cell to Josephine Bracken; she is Irish, the adopted daughter of a blind American who came to Dapitan from Hong Kong for treatment.Shot on the Luneta, Manila, at 7:03 a. m. , and buried in a secret grave in Paco Cemetery. (Entry of his death was made in the Paco Church Register among suicides. ) 1897, January. — Commemorated by Spanish Free-masons who dedicated a tablet to his memory, in their Grand Lodge hall in Madrid, as a martyr to Liberty. 1898, August. — Filipinos who placed over it in Paco cemetery, a cross inscribed simply â€Å"December 30, 1896†, sought his grave, immediately after the American capture of Manila. Since his death his countrymen had never spoken his name, but all references had been to â⠂¬Å"The Dead†. 898, December 20. — President Aguinaldo, of the Philippine Revolutionary Government, proclaimed December 30th as a day of national mourning. 1898, December 30. — Filipinos held Memorial services at which time American soldiers on duty carried their arms reversed. 1911, June 19. — Birth semi-centennial observed in all public schools by an act of the Philippine Legislature. 1912, December 30. — Rizal’s ashes transferred to the Rizal Mausoleum on the Luneta with impressive public ceremonies.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Wal-Mart (Bus 644)

Wal-Mart BUS 644 Operations Management November 6, 2011 Introduction Wal-Mart is the largest corporation in the world, and it has obviously enjoyed tremendous success. But while many welcome its location in their communities, others do not. Some complain that its presence has too many negative effects on a community, ranging from traffic congestion to anti-union sentiment to unfair competition. â€Å"According to a recent study from Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, the entry of a Wal-Mart does significantly impact sales at other local establishments (McDevitt, 2009). In regards to Wal-Mart impacting small businesses and town residents, it varies. There are both pros and cons of having Wal-Mart in local communities despite biases or beliefs of critics. Owners of small businesses located nearby. After observing the effects of seven Wal-Mart openings, researchers saw a 40 percent sales drop at nearby mass merchandise chains and 17 percent sales drop at supermarkets† (McDevitt, 2009, P. 1). Those small businesses within the same area of Wal-Mart often lose out on a lot of money or go out of business due to Wal-Mart’s everyday low prices and convenient shopping. With gas prices being at $4 a gallon, people wonder if customers will stay closer to home to shop, causing Wal-Mart to lose out on customers (Barett, 2008). There are those that think Wal-Mart is bad for local small business owners and those that oppose this viewpoint. Andrea Dean of West Virginia University argues that Wal-Mart has not had a negative effect on small businesses as critics think. Instead, the company has unleashed forces that have changed the nature of small businesses in this country in unexpected ways (Bandyk, 2008, P. ). Town residents and residents of nearby towns Town residents may have concerns ranging from an increase in noise pollution to a decrease in property values and those residents in favor of having Wal-Mart in local communities argue that Wal-Mart could be beneficial to residents; bringing in new jobs and tax revenue. Many Seekonk residents are not pleased about the soon to be Wal-Mart supercenter that is to be built at 150,000 square feet and located on 2 acres. â€Å"Another concern is the possible increase in crime in the area. Mello says that police officers have come to her house in the past to search the property for alleged shoplifters that fled through the woods from one of the retail stores† (Calverley,2011 P. 1). Another Seekonk resident is concerned that the pollution and dust will affect her husband’s health that is suffering from a respiratory illness and requires oxygen 24 hours a day (Calverley, 2011). Decrease in property value is likely to occur with there being a decrease of 10 to 18 percent in property value. Wal-Mart handling criticism I think that despite the criticisms Wal-Mart face, their success speaks for itself and customers always come back. Businesses worldwide will always face criticism, its how these businesses decide to follow up on these criticisms that truly matters. Wal-Mart needs to be careful when deciding where to station Wal-Mart centers; making certain that people in the local community are affected a minimal amount. People will ultimately be affected by location no matter where; however, the level in which they are affected should be strategically thought up so that few people are affected. So, instead of remaining silent on the sidelines as critics and watchdogs continue to tear it down, Wal-Mart is recruiting its own positive watchdogs as a combative measure (White, 2008, P. 1). It’s important for customers to feel valued and the network that Wal-Mart has collectively created will help to achieve this. Conclusion While there are downfalls of Wal-Mart supercenters being placed in local communities, there is without a doubt positives and Wal-Mart seems to be taking measures to reach out customers, for example, the efforts to establish the Customer Action Network, they are giving their customers a voice in hopes of helping them feel valued. There are several problem areas to be worked out on the behalf of Wal-Mart, however, with Wal-Mart being the largest Corporation in the world, critics will always pay careful and have negative feedback. References Barett, A. (2008)Does Wal-Mart Really Hurt Small Businesses? Retrieved on November 6, 2011 from http://www. businessweek. com/smallbiz/running_small_business/ Calverley, L. (2011). Residents Concerned about Proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter. Retrieved on November 6, 2011 from http://reportertoday. com/seekonk/seekonk/stories/Residents-Concerned-About-Proposed-Walmart-Supercenter Bandyk, M. (2008). Should Small Businesses Fear Wal-Mart? Retrieved on November 6, 2011 from http://money. snews. com/money/business-economy/small-business/articles/2008/08/01/should-small-businesses-fear-wal-mart McDevitt, C. (2009). Is Wal-Mart Killing your Business? Retrieved on November 6, 2011 from http://www. inc. com/news/articles/2009/04/walmart. html White, B. (2008). Wal-Mart Fights back Against Opponents. Retrieved on November 6, 2011 from http://www. bloggingstocks. com/2008/11/24/wal-mart-weekly-wal-mart-fights-back-against-opponents/